Thursday, November 10, 2011

Exercise the Mind First

The key to a successful lifestyle is in the mind. I'm sure you've heard the all-time favorite cliche "If you put your mind into it" and it's true, it all starts there.

Self-awareness is next. Your body is a pretty smart mechanism and it will tell you if it's not happy with what you are doing to it, not doing to it, putting into it or depriving it of. You need to pay attention to your body, the signals its sending you. Are you too stressed out? Too busy? Overwhelmed? Tired all the time? Take note of these.

Set yourself a realistic goal. How about an hour of yoga, Pilates or any other favorite workout - cardio kickboxing for example, once a week. You will notice how GREAT it makes you feel afterwards, you will become more productive, more alert, energetic and eager to go back and do it again, so this amazing cycle of feeling fantastic never ends. Then, it's a snowball effect from there, you start to feel great after a workout, you want to feed your body something healthy, you get inspired from all kinds of different recipes out there, you get creative, you are working out your mind, your body and your soul. It's a wonderful never-ending cycle that once you get on it, you won't want to jump off.

No More Excuses

As noted in my previous post, No More Excuses is the motto here. You can't be laying around on your couch on daily bases, complaining about "unexplained" weight gain or eat crappy food and whine about bloating, tiredness and the list go on.

The goal here is get up and do something about it! If you have a problem or you are unhappy with how you look, how you feel, how you sleep, you need to start in the beginning, at the root of the problem. Think back, where did it all go wrong, when did I start feeling like this? Why did I start eating junk and not exercising? And when I say junk, I don't only mean McDonald's and such, but I also mean other restaurants like Applebees, T.G.I. Fridays, Boston Market, etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm no saint and if I'm strapped for time or on-the-go, I will not starve, however I don't make it a habit.

At the end of the day, what matters is how YOU want to feel. If you are OK with rushing through life, not taking care of your body and wondering why you are sick all the time, have stiff muscles or/and poor sex life, then this blog isn't for you. However, if you want to feel great again (or ever), and as a result, open up all other channels like inspiration, creativity and energy, then read on and you if you have the drive to stay motivated, you won't be disappointed with your results.

Skinny Little B Here

In hopes of revamping my previous Health & Wellness blog into something more interesting, I've come up with this title that I got off of a sticker back in High School. Yes it's silly and offensive, but I've been called that and guess what, I can care less. In fact, I'm flattered. I'm flattered that even after 9 months of carrying, 12 hours of labor and 6 months of nursing I'm still able to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans and look hot. I'm not here to brag, but to help you do the same thing: Look your best, feel your best and what everyone is trying to preach these days - Live life to the fullest. Because, what's the point if you can't be happy? You HAVE to achieve that happy medium, whoever you are, wherever you are. NO MORE EXCUSES.